26 Nov 2013

What I did in all of the year 2013?

Many things in my life is changed!

I learnt Swedish that not easy for me. But I got it.
Now I will start in assist-nurse.

My mother is so old. She often call me mobile phone many times in a day. Because she forget what she did after for a while. it is mean that she is too old. And she can not walk too far, just only in the house and she live with my half-sister. I feel sad sometime that I can not take care of her by myself when she old and need me in this time. I visited her in October 2013 for me one month is too spend time with her.

Learn Bush-craft with Team. So fun and useful if something happen. 

Join in BB-Gun game

Come to SCA viking society group

And jump to practices for exercise in Larp

25 Apr 2013

Beautiful Sunshine

I really love my life in Sweden. I feel free and I can do many things which I never done before. I know many Thais-people in here but not too much have time to join them. I learn and work in same time. Every week has some activity to do such as last week I went in the forest with Swedish family learnt about how to survival in the forest. We learnt bush craft by the lake. Ice in the lake almost gone but still a bit cold because of wind. I play hide and seek with Children. I love all seasons in Sweden. I would not like to far away in Summer season of Sweden. Especially Sunshine and flowers are so beautiful. I plan to kayak around the lake that not far from where I live and run with my BB-gun team in the forest. This year has a long list plan to trips with Larp and SCA societies. I do not visit my mother and Thailand for a year. I have never feel home-sick but I should come back to see her because she missed me allot and she get too old now.